Saturday, November 24, 2012

1000 Books Week 26

Lots of excitement in the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program. A couple kids are getting to the halfway mark with their reading! Congratulations to Jacob, Sloan, and Hailey for bringing in their reading sheets and winning more great prizes!

Our last Star Reader of the Week was Carson!

This week's Star Reader is Axton! Congratulations!

Our last Book of the Week was a personal favourite it mine: "Love You Forever", by Robert Munsch.

Our 26th Book of the Week is "Pride and Prejudice: a Baby-Lit Counting Primer", by Jennifer Adams.

"With the perennial popularity of classic writers like Jane Austen and William Shakespeare, Baby Lit is a fashionable way to introduce your toddler to the world of classic literature. With clever, simple counting text by Jennifer Adams, paired with stylish design and illustrations by Sugar's Alison Oliver, Little Miss Austen and Little Master Shakespeare are a must for every savvy parent's nursery library." - Gibbs Smith

Stay tuned for our next Star Reader and Book of the Week! Keep up the good reading!