Letter C – Cats, Cows, Chickens,
Cookies, Caterpillars and Crocodiles.
Storytime – Welcome Song
is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come and listen
to me.
Read first
story All for Pie, Pie for All, The Cow Loves Cookies or First Week at Cow School
Flannelboard: Hey
Diddle Diddle
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon,
The little dog laughed to see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Song: Five
Little Monkeys Sitting In a Tree
5 little monkeys sitting
in a tree, Teasing Mr. Crocodile: “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr.
Crocodile, Silent as can be. And …Snap!
4 little monkeys …
2 little monkeys …
1 little monkey …
And no more monkeys. And
away swims Mr. Crocodile, As full as he can be!
Fingerplay: Alley
One orange alley cat wondering what to do
Along came another cat, And now there are two
Along came another cat, And now there are three
Three little alley cats, Running through the door
Look here comes another cat! And now there are four
Four little alley cats, Playing in our drive
Out pounces another cat, And now there are five
Five little alley cats, Hear a scary sound
half paper plate with center cut out, rectangle cut from construction paper
71/2 x 31/2” with one corner cut in a curve, black circles cut from
construction paper 2” diameter, glue markers
plate semi circle to rectangle with curve at the top left and plate towards the
right side. This is the roof of the car. Glue the wheels on the bottom of the
rectangle. Colour with markers.