Friday, August 3, 2012

Imagine! Summer Reading Club: 7-12s Week 4

The 7-12s had a magical week learning these magic tricks and playing these magical games at the Summer Reading Club.

Magic Tricks

Jumping Rubber Band Trick - A rubber band quickly and mysteriously jumps from your pinkie and ring fingers to the first and middle fingers of the same hand, while another rubber band appears to block it.
Try this trick with 2 jumping rubber bands!

Sawing a Lady in Half Magic TrickThe magician inserts a paper doll into a paper tube. The spectators can see the doll's head and feet sticking out of both ends of the tube. The magician cuts the tube in half. When the doll is removed, it's fully intact.

Magic Tube - You show an empty tube and then magically produce items such as ribbons or silk handkerchiefs.

Escaped prisoner magic trick - An escaped prisoner appears to be back in the empty jail.


Magic Carpet – Each team will be given a large piece of paper, towel, or rug as a magic carpet and all team members will be standing on it. You start out the game by telling teams the following: “You are on a magic carpet, thousands of feet up in the sky. But you're not going anywhere because your carpet is upside down. The object is to flip the carpet back upright without anyone falling off into the abyss. You can use your hands.” The team that reverses its carpet first without anyone stepping off is the winner.

Spin the Magic Wand - In advance write out lots of forfeits appropriate for the age of the guests and place in a large bowl. Sit the kids in a circle and spin a wand on the floor in the middle. You will need a smooth shiny surface such as a wooden or tiled floor or low wooden coffee table. Whoever the wand points to has to pull out a forfeit and act it out. To make it more fun, on some of the pieces of paper you could say "Win a prize" instead of giving a forfeit.

Sneaky Magician - In this child activity, you'll need to choose a kid to be the Sneaky Magician and let him/her sit in a chair blindfolded. Then place a special magical item beneath the chair (deck of cards, top hat, wand, magic eight ball, etc.) which the Sneaky Magician must protect from the thieves. Only one thief may try to steal from the Magician at any given time. Since the Magician is blindfolded he/she must use their sense of hearing and must listen closely for the thief. When they sense that the thief is around the Magician tries to touch the thief with their hands or feet before they steal the magical item. A thief who is caught then becomes the next Sneaky Magician. If the Magician does not catch the thief, then another thief can try and steal.