Friday, July 20, 2012

Imagine! Summer Reading Club: 7-12s Week 2

For week 2, our theme was Monsters and Crazy Creatures. These are the activities that were played in the 7-8 and 9-12 groups.

Activity: Pass the Portrait – Each person gets a paper folded in three. Draw the head & pass it on. Draw the body and pass it on. Draw the legs. Show everyone the monster.

Game: Monster Catch - One person will throw an underhand pass to someone else. If the person catches it, he/she will throw it to another person. If you drop it, you go down on one knee, then two knees, one elbow, two elbows, chin, and then he/she is out. The winner is the person who is on the least body parts.

Game: Monster Eyeball Battle - Players stand and hold a blanket on opposite ends. A ping pong ball is placed onto the sheet. The sheet is then raised or lowered. The object of the game is to get the ping pong ball to fall off the other team's side of the sheet.

Activity: Balancing Brains - Need a bean bag, pencil, eraser -- or similar object to place on head. Play music as each child walks around balancing the object on their head. If the object falls off the child is frozen until another comes and places the object back on the head. Everyone stops and pauses when the music stops. Game starts over when the music again starts.

Craft: Mouthy Monster – Create and decorate a colorful paper monster with paper shapes, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, feathers, and pompoms.