The summer reading club started last week on July 10! During Week 1, our theme was Robots and Inventions. Here are the activities we tried in the 2-3 and 4-6 reading clubs.
Song: I'm
A Little Robot (Sung to: "I'm A Little Teapot")
I'm a little robot, short and strong.
Here are my handles, just turn me on.
When I get all warmed up, watch me go,
Sometimes fast and sometimes slow.
Here are my handles, just turn me on.
When I get all warmed up, watch me go,
Sometimes fast and sometimes slow.
Song: If You’re a Robot and You Know It
(Sung to: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re a robot and you know it swing your
If you’re a robot and you know it swing your
If you’re a robot and you know it and you
really want to show it,
you’re a robot and you know it swing your arms.
you’re a robot and you know it stomp your feet…
you’re a robot and you know it beep your nose…
Stories: Mechanimals by Chris Tougas
IfI Had a Robot by Dan Yaccarino
Cookiebot!A Harry and Horsie Adventure by Katie Van Camp
WodneyWat’s Wobot by Helen Lester
Activity: Robot Dance Freeze - Dance like a
robot when the music plays. When the music stops, freeze.
Activity: Follow the Robot - Pick someone to be
the robot and follow what they do.
Fingerplay: I Am A Robot
I am a robot big and strong (show arm muscles)
Watch me as I walk along (walk with stiff arms
and legs)
My head turns left (turn left)
My head turns right (turn right)
Both my eyes shine big and bright! (point to
Push this button, I will say (push belly)
“How are all my friends today?” (Bend over at
Push this button, I will say (push nose)
“I am doing very well!” (stand up again)
Activity: What time is it, Mr. Robot?
Game: Sleeping Robots – Walk around like
robots. The robot keeper calls “sleeping robots” and the children drop to the
floor and pretend to sleep. When the robot keeper is looking away, the “robots”
make funny faces without being caught.
Crafts: Make Your Own Shapes Robot – Cut out
different shapes and glue them on construction paper as a collage to form a
Canister Robot – Decorate a film canister with paper, googly eyes, pipe
cleaners and feathers to create a robot.