Friday, May 4, 2012

Letter X

Letter X- Fox, box, xylophone, ox, x-ray, exit, extra, taxi, mix, six
2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.

I saw a little fox    (Hold up two fingers walking in air.)
climb into a box. (Put fingers in opening of other hand.)
I saw a large ox (Hold hand as a fist.)
sit on a mailbox. (Place fist on other hand.)

Fox has got a long red tail,
Shake that tail, shake that tail!
Fox has got a long red tail,
Shake that tail now!

Fox has got a pointy nose,
Wiggle that nose, wiggle that nose!
Fox has got a pointy nose,
Wiggle that nose now!

Fox has got two front paws,
Shake those paws, shake those paws
Fox has got two front paws,
Shake those paws now!

Fox has got long pointy teeth
Snap those teeth, snap those teeth!
Fox has got long pointy teeth
Snap those teeth now!

Fingerplay: Ten Little Candles
Ten little candles on a birthday cake.
Wh!  Wh!  Now there are eight.
Eight little candles in candle sticks.
Wh!  Wh!  Now there are six.

Six little candles, not one more.
Wh!  Wh!  Now there are four.

Four little candles, red and blue.
Wh!  Wh!  Now there are two.

Two little candles, one by one.
Wh!  Wh!  Now there are none.

(Hold up ten fingers.)
(Blow on each thumb in turn.  Fold down thumbs.)
(Hold up eight fingers.)
(Blow on each pinky in turn.  Fold down pinkies.)

(Hold up six fingers.)
(Blow on each ring finger in turn.  Fold down ring fingers.)

(Hold up four fingers.)
(Blow on each middle finger in turn.  Fold down middle fingers.)

(Hold up both forefingers.)
(Blow on each forefinger.  Fold down forefingers.  Hold up fists.)

Craft: Fox Face
Materials: Fox head cut from red construction paper, white nose construction paper, black circles and triangles, coffee stir sticks, glue, googly eyes.
Assemble fox head- head, white nose, 2 triangles, circle, coffee stir stick, 2 googly eyes, and glue together.

I used the mask template from I did not cut holes for eyes or punch holes for strings. Instead of pipecleaners I used a coffee stir stick and snipped it lengthwise into three whiskers and stapled it on.