Storytime – Welcome Song
Read first story Black Meets White, Hockey Colours, Purple Little Bird
Blue is the Lake,
(point to the floor)
Yellow is the sun (point to the sky)
Silver are the stars,
When the day is done, (wiggle fingers in the air)
Red is the apple, (make circle with hands)
Green is the tree (raise arms over head like branches)
Brown is a chocolate chip cookie for you and me! (rub tummy))
Yellow is the sun (point to the sky)
Silver are the stars,
When the day is done, (wiggle fingers in the air)
Red is the apple, (make circle with hands)
Green is the tree (raise arms over head like branches)
Brown is a chocolate chip cookie for you and me! (rub tummy))
Read second story Blue Goose, Kitten, Red, Yellow Blue, My Very First Book of Colors
Sing: Find the Colour
Oh, can you find the colour
The color red, the colour red?
Oh, can you find the colour red,
Somewhere in this room
The color red, the colour red?
Oh, can you find the colour red,
Somewhere in this room
Substitute the names of other
colours for red.
Read third story Bight, Shiny, Rainbow Colors, Little Blue and Little Yellow, Hello, Red Fox
Sing: If You're Wearing
Red - Sung to If You're Happy And
You Know It
If you are wearing red shake your head
If you are wearing red
Then please shake your head
If you are wearing red shake your head
Additional Verses:
Blue, touch your shoe
Green, bow like a queen
Yellow, shake like Jell-O
Brown, turn around
Pink, give us a wink
Green, bow like a queen
Yellow, shake like Jell-O
Brown, turn around
Pink, give us a wink
The coldest color I can think of is...
The warmest color I can think of is...
The softest color I can think of is...
The scariest color I can think of is...
When I think of yellow, I think of...
When I think of red, I think of...
When I think of blue, I think of...
When I think of green, I think of...
My favorite color for a house is...
My favorite color for a flower is..
The funniest color I can think of is...
The color that makes me the happiest is...
Craft: Painting with Water
paper with sketches coloured with watercolour pencils, paint brushes, water.
Paint over colours with brush and water.