Friday, February 24, 2012

Letter Q

Letter Q-  Quilts, queens, quack, quiet, quail, q-tips, quarters
2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s

1.                   Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.
2.                   Read first story "Quack!" said the Billy Goat, Quiet! or Quiet, Wyatt!

3.       Nursery Rhyme  Flannelboards

4.                   Read second story Cock-a-Doodle Quack! Quack!, Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library

5.                   Read third story The Quiet Book, Be Quiet, Mike!

6                     Song: Five Little Ducks
Five little duckies went out to play (hold up fingers), over the hills and far, far away.(make arch with hand)  The mommy ducky yelled "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK". (quack with hand) Four little duckies came back, back, back. (count down with fingers)

Four little duckies went out to play, over the hills and far, far away. The mommy ducky yelled "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK". Three little duckies came back, back, back.

Three little duckies went out to play, over the hills and far, far away. The mommy ducky yelled "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK". Two little duckies came back, back, back.

Two little duckies went out to play, over the hills and far, far away. The mommy ducky yelled "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK". One little ducky came back, back, back.

One little ducky went out to play, over the hills and far, far away. The mommy ducky yelled "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK".
No little duckies came back, back, back.

No little duckies went out to play, over the hills and far, far away. The daddy ducky yelled "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK".
Five little duckies came back, back, back.

7        Craft- Quacking Beak
Materials: yellow paper beak shapes, paper eyes shapes, markers, glue
Glue two edges of beaks together. Colour pupils on eyes and glue on top of beak. Make them quack