Letter F –Fish,
Frogs, Fingers, Fox, Feet and Flowers
2’s and 3’s,
4’s and 5’s
Music: An Elephant Never Forgets
Storytime is starting, starting,
Storytime is starting, come
and listen to me.
Five little frisky frogs, hopping on the shore (hold up five fingers)
One hopped into the pond -SPLASH!! (jump out)
So then there were just four,
four little frisky frogs (hold up four fingers)
Climbing up a tree, one fell into the grass, BOOM! (pretend to fall)
So then there were just three,
Climbing up a tree, one fell into the grass, BOOM! (pretend to fall)
So then there were just three,
Bathing in the dew, one caught a sneezy cold A-CHOO (sneeze)
So then there were just two,
two little frisky frogs (hold up two
Sleeping in the sun, One slept the day away, SNORE! (pretend to sleep)
So then there was just one,
Sleeping in the sun, One slept the day away, SNORE! (pretend to sleep)
So then there was just one,
Sitting on a stone, let's call his four friends back, Yoo-hoo, Yoo-hoo
So he won't be alone.
Song: Slippery Fish
Slippery fish, slippery
fish, Gulp, gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by an
Octopus, octopus squiggling
in the water (Wave your arms up and down like the
flailing arms of an octopus.)
Octopus, octopus, gulp,
gulp, gulp
Tuna fish, tuna fish
flashing in the water (two hands fingertips touching to give
impression of bigger fish)
Tuna fish, tuna fish, gulp,
gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a
Great White Shark,great
white shark lurking in the water (Place one hand,
with fingers straight upwards, on top of your head.)
Great white shark, great white shar,k gulp,
gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by
Enormous Whale, enormous
whale spouting in the water (Make big upward motions with your arms
to resemble the spouting of water by a whale)
Enormous Whale, enormous
whale, gulp, gulp, BURP!
Excuse ME! (Cover your mouth)
second story Fish Eyes:a book you can count on, Frog on a Log, Little Quack's New Friend, Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea, Goosie's Good Idea
Rhyme: Ten Little Finger
I have ten fingers and they all belong to me (hold hands up) I can make
them do things Would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight (form fist) Or open them wide (hold fingers out)
I can put them together or make them all hide (Close both fists) I can make them jump high (put hands over head)
I can make them go low (put hands down) I can fold them quietly and hold them just so (put hands in lap)
I can shut them up tight (form fist) Or open them wide (hold fingers out)
I can put them together or make them all hide (Close both fists) I can make them jump high (put hands over head)
I can make them go low (put hands down) I can fold them quietly and hold them just so (put hands in lap)
6. Crafts: Paper Plate
small paper plate with piece cut out and attached to back with staples to make
fish, tissue paper, glittery confetti paper, glue, googly eyes
tissue paper, glittery paper and googly eye on fish.
Fish craft idea from http://mamasmiles.com/