Friday, July 15, 2011

SPLASH! Summer Reading Club: 6-12 Week 1

 Beach Party
6-8’s, 9-12’s

1.   Activity: Memory Game – I’m Going to the Beach

1.      Have the children sit in a circle.
2.      Going around the circle each person begins a sentence “I’m going to the beach and I’m going to bring…”
3.      They list something that they would need to bring to the beach, e.g. sunscreen.
4.      The next person then has to list what the previous children are bringing and add one item to the list.
5.      As you go around the circle the children have to remember more and more items.

Note: Parents/caregivers or older siblings could be involved if the children are having trouble remembering the items.

2.   Game: Hot Beach Ball
This is a variation of the game Hot Potato. You will need a beach ball to serve as your “potato.”
1.      Have everyone sit in a circle leaving a bit of space between each person.
2.      Play beach-y music. One suggestion is “Surfin’ Safari” by The Beach Boys, or any Beach Boys song.
3.      While the music is playing the children toss the beach ball around the circle to each other.
4.      Periodically stop the music.
5.      The person who is holding the beach ball when the music has stopped is out and has to stand on the outside of the circle.
6.      The winner is the last person sitting in the circle.

3.   Game: Pin the Shades on the Sun!
Instructions: A summer version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey!
-Print out (and if possible, laminate) a picture of a sun with a face
-Print out or draw a pair of sun glasses (for variety, you can do a few different kinds)
-Blind fold one child at a time, spin them, and let them try to place the glasses over the sun’s eyes!

4.   Crafts: “Sand” Castle Contest
• Toilet paper/paper towel rolls, cylinder containers (i.e., potato chip
• Small cardboard boxes
• Pieces of cardboard
• Paper cups
• Construction paper
• String
• Popsicle sticks
• Glue
• Scissors
• Crayons/markers/pencils
• Glitter
1. Arrange the group into teams.
2. Put enough materials for all of the groups in the centre of the room,
on a table or on the floor.
3. Give the groups one minute to collect materials. Monitor this so that
there is not one group taking everything!
4. In their groups have the children construct a castle with the
materials they have gathered. Give the children a time limit to
complete their castle.

*   Tissue Paper
*   Yarn (long enough to reach around children's necks)
*Before hand, cut out squares of tissue paper of various colors and use a punch to create a hole through the middle. Then the children can string the paper onto the yarn in order to construct a leigh.

Beach Towel
*   Scissors
*   Streamers
*   Markers
*   Sparkles
*   Large pieces of paper
*   Glue
*Before hand, cut large pieces of paper (comparable to the size of a beach towel). Allow the children to use the streamers, markers, and sparkles to design their own towels.

5. Snack: Watermelon