2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
45 minutes
Music: Motown for Kids
Storytime is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.
3. Fingerplay: During the Spring
During the Spring, it often showers (flutter fingers down)
Or the sun shines for many hours (form circle in the air with arms)
Both are good for the flowers! (cup each hand and extend arms like flowers)
Little Birdie
I saw a little birdie go hop, hop, hop (hop fingers on palm)
I asked that little birdie to stop, stop, stop (hold up hand, palm out)
I went to the window to say “how do you do?” (wave hello)
But he shook his little tail (wiggle bottom)
I asked that little birdie to stop, stop, stop (hold up hand, palm out)
I went to the window to say “how do you do?” (wave hello)
But he shook his little tail (wiggle bottom)
4. Read second story My Spring Robin, Skunk's Spring Surprise, Stanley Mows the Lawn, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick! or The Story of the Little Mole who knew it was None of his Business
Six little ducks that I once knew (hold up two hands, palm out, six fingers extended)
Fat ducks, skinny ducks,fair ducks too. (wiggle fingers)
But one little duck with a feather in his back (hold up one finger)
He led the others with A Quack, Quack, Quack (hold up two hands, palm out, six fingers extended- one finger leading the other hand)
Down to the river They would go
Wibble-wobble, wibble-wooble, (press palms together, sway hands)
To and fro. But one little duck (hold up one finger)
With a feather on his back, He led the others with a quack, quack, quack! (hold up two hands, palm out, six fingers extended- one finger leading the other hand)
Quack, Quack, Quack. Quack, Quack, Quack
He led the others with a quack, quack, quack!
During the Spring
During the Spring, it often showers (flutter fingers down)
Or the sun shines for many hours (form circle in the air with arms)
Both are good for the flowers! (cup each hand and extend arms like flowers)
During the Spring, it often showers (flutter fingers down)
Or the sun shines for many hours (form circle in the air with arms)
Both are good for the flowers! (cup each hand and extend arms like flowers)
6. Popcorn Tree
What you will need: Bare tree photocopy, popcorn, white glue, markers.
How to make: Colour tree trunk, glue popcorn on tree to make blossoms.