Friday, July 16, 2010

Week 1: Let's Go Exploring for 2-5's

Let’s Go Exploring
2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s

1. Storytime – Starting Song
Walking Through the Jungle (Have children pretend to be the animal seen!)
Walking through the jungle and what did I see? (walk around in circle)
Some green and scaly crocodiles were snapping at me!
Walking through the jungle and what did I see? (walk around in circle)
Some slippery, slimy snakes were hissing at me!
Walking through the jungle and what did I see? (walk around in circle)
Some funny little monkeys were laughing at me!
Walking through the jungle and what did I see? (walk around in circle)
Some great big lions were roaring at me!
Walking through the jungle and what did I see? (walk around in circle)
Some nice quiet children were waiting for me!
(Children sit quietly for next part of program!)

2. Read first story Good Night Gorilla, or "Little Beauty"
(You can set up stuffed animals or pictures of animals around the room, and travel around to them as if on a safari. At each stop, read a book about that animal.)

3. Rhyme: If I Had To Meet a Gorilla
A gorilla is an animal
That is very big and strong
It has a wrinkled raisin face
And arms so very long.
If I had to meet a gorilla
I’ll tell you what I’d do.
I’d meet it in the safest place,
I’d meet it in a zoo!

4. Read second story Tall, or "Jungle Bullies"

5. Read third story Terrific"

6. Read fourth story Elephants Aloft"

7. Rhyme: The Elephant
The elephant goes like this and that. (hands and arms together in front to form a trunk. Sway trunk back and forth)
He’s terrible big (raise hands high)
and terribly fat. (spread arms and hands wide)
He has no fingers (wiggle fingers)
And he has no toes (point to toes)
But goodness gracious,
Oh what a nose. (Sway arms as trunk again.)

8. Read fifth story (if there is time)Snog the Frog"

9. Crafts: Tropical Paper Plate Bird - Color the back side of a paper plate any color you want and let dry. Cut feather shapes out of various colors of construction paper. Cut a circle out of black construction paper for an eye and an orange triangle for a beak. Fold the paper plate in half and staple on the edge opposite the fold. Put the triangle in the fold of the plate on one edge and staple in place to make the beak. Glue on eye. Glue on construction paper feather shapes where the wings should be. Cut a few strips of tissue paper, streamers, etc. to make the tail. They should be a variety of lengths and about 1-2 inches wide. Gather them up at one end and put them in the fold of the plate opposite the beak and staple in place.

-White paper plate
-Colorful feathers