Friday, July 23, 2010

Jungle Adventure

6-8’s, 9-12’s

1. Activity 1: Book Talk

Chat about different adventure stories

2. Activity 2: Add a Line Adventure Story

Get the group to collectively write their own adventure story. Throughout the program, pass around a page or note book; get everyone to add a sentence and see where it goes (for younger children, you can ask them to add a sentence out loud and write it down yourself). At the end of the program you can read the story out.

3. Activity 3: Stepping Stones

The idea is go get safely from one side of a ‘river’ to the other using ‘stepping stones.’

Cut out 2 cardboard ‘stones’ for each child. If this is not practical because of numbers, cut out several pairs of stones, and when one child has ‘crossed the water’ give his (her) stones to a child still waiting to cross.

Create a ‘river’ in the room using chairs to define the ‘banks’ of the river.

Divide the children into two lines.

The first child in the line places one of the stones in front of him and steps on it.

Then the child places the second stone down in front of him and steps on it. Then the child must turn around and, without falling off the stone he is standing on, pick up the first stone and places it in front of him and step on it.

Repeat until the child has crossed the ‘river’.

The team whose members all safely and successful ‘cross the river’ first wins.

4. Activity 3 (9-12’s): Jungle Jeopardy

1. Before the program begins, find 5 questions on 4 to 5 jungle/rainforest topics (for a total of 20 to 25 questions). You may want to come up with several sets of questions, in case there is time for multiple rounds of the game.

2. Write the questions on pieces of card, and arrange on the display surface face down as on the television show “Jeopardy”; by subject (vertical rows) and difficulty (horizontal columns). Points ranging from 100 to 500 are assigned to each question, with 100 points awarded for correctly answering the easiest question, 200 for the second easiest, etc.

3. Form children into teams of 4 or 5, and give them a few minutes to choose a fun jungle name for their team.

4. Each team then rolls the two dice to pick who goes first.

5. The teams try to guess the correct answers to questions about the chosen jungle topics. If correct, the team is awarded the number of points card is worth. If incorrect, card remains in play and the next team gets to choose a question to answer.

6. You should decide in advance whether teams can answer multiple questions per round. Base this decision on the number of children participating, and the potential for all teams to get to answer a set of questions.

5. Crafts: Toucan Mask


1. Construction paper

2. Printable outline from Scholastic

3. Glue

4. String

5. Stapler

6. Scissors


1. Using bright coloured paper cut out the outlined pieces.

2. Glue the pieces together.

3. Staple on a string so that it can be worn.

Jungle Puzzle


1. Jungle or nature pictures from old books or magazines

2. Glue

3. Scissors

4. Poster board

5. Coloured tape

6. Plastic Bags


1. Glue the picture to a piece of poster board.

2. Seal the outside with coloured tape.

3. On the bottom, or blank poster board side, draw lines like puzzle pieces.

4. Cut out and store in the plastic bags