Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Art Attack - Bubble Art

We're switching up the focus of this blog, and moving away from Boredom Busters and into Art Attack projects. Some of these projects we will have done before at the library, some are new to us. We will feature two or three art projects per week for you to try at home. See which ones you can do, and if you get the chance, share the results with us on any of our social media platforms, which will be listed at the bottom of this blog.

Today's project: Bubble Art!

This is a project we've done for Art Attack and in Story Time. While we normally use food colouring to add colour to our bubbles, we recently discovered that liquid watercolours work phenomenally well in making the colour really POP! off the canvas. 

What you'll need: 

- Bubbles (store-bought works fine, or you can try one of these homemade recipes)
- Bubble wands (you can make your own with a pipe cleaner too!)
- Liquid watercolours (food colouring will work as well, you'll just need to use a lot of it)
- Paper/canvas

Whether you're using food colouring or liquid water colours, you'll want to separate cups or small containers to mix your different colours of bubbles. You can use a stirring stick to mix the bubbles (gently, if you agitate the bubbles too much they're difficult to blow) or just whichever bubble wand you want to use for each colour. A little bit of bubble mix goes a long way, you can always create more. But once you've mixed the colour in, you're pretty much stuck with it unless you want to mix some of them together to create a new colour. Be careful not to over-mix, or you'll end up with brown (unless that was your goal).

This is a perfect project to do outside when the weather in nice. If you don't have table space outdoors, just lay out a mat or a blanket (make sure it's one you don't mind getting messy). 


There are a couple different ways to create your bubble art. You can blow the bubbles directly onto the paper and allow them to POP!, creating random and unique patterns. This would be a great project for a banner, which could be placed on the ground or hung on a fence to catch the bubbles in the wind.

You can also try stamping with your bubble wand to create fun shapes! Just load up the wand with bubbles and then gently press them onto your paper/canvas.


Another great way to paint with bubbles is the splatter effect! Dip your bubble wand in the colour of your choice, then flick, shake, or whip the bubble wand at the paper/canvas to create a great splatter pattern! You'll definitely get messy for this one, so make sure you're wearing paint clothes and watch out for those around you.  

Hopefully this project helps break up the day, and gets your family engaged in Bubble Art!

If your kids love these art projects, feel free to send us feedback or pictures on any of our social media platforms, linked below.

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