Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Boredom Busters: Make Your Own Kind of Music

We are temporarily reviving our Children's Blog to provide some resources for families who are stuck at home during this period of social distancing due to COVID-19. We will put together a variety of activities for you and your families - see which ones you can do, and if you get the chance, share the results with us on any of our social media platforms, which will be listed at the bottom of this blog.

Today's theme is Make Your Own Kind of Music!

This is one of my favorite projects for recycled tin cans. Cut up a few balloons, and grab some different sizes of cans from the recycling. A little ribbon and and some paint adds some decoration that really makes these drums pop! Once you have your drum set, start thumping out some awesome beats!

These were one of the first instruments I made when I started working with children. They're easy to hold, the kids can decorate the sticks however they like, and they make great sound when they shake them around. Add some ribbons to multi-purpose them into shakers and ribbon sticks!

Check out some of the other great wood instruments you can make, like the mini mandolin!

Harmonicas and recorders are some of the first instruments we learn to play as kids. Check out this DIY harmonica; all you need is jumbo popsicle sticks, rubber bands, a piece of paper, and some toothpicks! Then start humming your tune!

The world needs more DIY French Horns. Check out this fun and funky DIY instrument, and then get ready to blow your horn! You will need a piece of garden hose, a funnel, the pipe from a birthday party noisemaker, electric tape/washi tape, and scissors. Put it all together, and get ready to make some need!

This is such a cool instrument to make, and you a great way to celebrate nature! Head out on a scavenger hunt to find the perfect stick, then build this funky musical instrument!

If you, like me, have been listening to Steve Martin play the banjo during this time of COVID-19, then this is the instrument for you! You'll need jumbo craft sticks, loom bands, washi and/or duct tape, sequins and craft glue. Follow the instructions to make your adorable, mini banjos, then carefully strum out a fun tune!

Hopefully these activities help break up the day, and get your family engaged in making your own kind of music!

If your kids loved these activities, feel free to send us feedback or pictures on any of our social media platforms, linked below.

Library staff are available by phone (403-887-2130) or email Monday-Friday, 9:00 am 5:00 pm.

You can access all of our digital materials (eBooks, eAudiobooks, and more) through our website. With the library re-opened, you can also access any of our physical materials. Request your items through the library's catalogue!