Monday, December 19, 2016

6 Weeks of Animals - Frogs

For our second week of animals, we hopped all around with some frogs!

Fun facts about frogs:
- you can tell if a frog is a male or a female by its ears! If the ear is bigger than its eye, it's a male. If the ear is smaller than its eye, it's a female.
- frogs drink by absorbing water through their skin
- frogs can be heard up to a mile away
- Asian tree frogs build nests in trees above water so that when tadpoles hatch they fall directly into the water

We read:

Ribbit! by Bender & Bender

Plummet, by Tony & Jan Payne

One Frog Sang, by Shirley Parenteau

Ah Ha! by Jeff Mack

Stick, by Steve Breen

I'm a Frog! by Mo Willems

Five Green and Speckled Frogs, by Priscilla Burris

Leap Back Home to Me, by Lauren Thompson

That's Mine! by Michael Van Zeveren

We sang:

Five Green and Speckled Frogs

The Little Green Frog

Check out our Froggy craft!

For snack, we had some tasty grapes! Next up: foxes!