Week 7: Miles and Miles of Reptiles
This week we learned all about... You guessed it, reptiles! We talked about all the different sorts of reptiles you can find, whether it's a snake, alligator, turtle, lizard, you name it! We learned that in order to be a reptile you must be two things:
1. Cold blooded - This means that their bodies react to the temperature of their surroundings. When they get too warm, they can go into the water or shade to cool off and go back in the sun to warm up again.
2. Covered in scales - Scales protect their bodies and they can be hard or soft, large or small. A crocodile’s back has large, bumpy scales. A snake has slimy and smooth scales.
This week we learned all about... You guessed it, reptiles! We talked about all the different sorts of reptiles you can find, whether it's a snake, alligator, turtle, lizard, you name it! We learned that in order to be a reptile you must be two things:
1. Cold blooded - This means that their bodies react to the temperature of their surroundings. When they get too warm, they can go into the water or shade to cool off and go back in the sun to warm up again.
2. Covered in scales - Scales protect their bodies and they can be hard or soft, large or small. A crocodile’s back has large, bumpy scales. A snake has slimy and smooth scales.
After learning all these cool facts about reptiles we read our first story:
Then we sang a song about a type of reptile, turtles! Here's the tune of Tiny Tim:
I had a little turtle, his name was Tiny Tim
I put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim
He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap
And when he tried to talk, he had a bubble in his throat!
Then we read our second story:

Then we sang another song, On The Back of a Crocodile:
She sailed away
On a bright and sunny day
On the back of a crocodile
You see said she
He’s as tame as he can be,
I’ll ride him down the Nile,
The croc winked his eye
As she waved a fond good bye
Wearing a happy grin.
At the end of the ride,
The lady was inside,
And the smile was on the crocodile.
Then we read our last story:
Then after we were all done story time we went to go start our craft, paper plate turtles! Here's how you can make them too:
- Paper plates
- Scissors
- Markers/crayons
- Glue
- Tissue paper
- Green construction paper
1. Take the construction paper and cut out four small cylinders (for legs), a large cylinder (the head), and a small triangle (the tail).
2. Take those pieces and glue them along the sides of your paper plate.
3. Take the markers and color all over his "shell".
4. Take tissue paper and glue it wherever you'd like.