Wednesday, January 14, 2015

J is for Jigsaw!

J is for Jelly, Jam, Jurassic, Jump, Juggle, Jingle, Jacks, Jumbo, and Jigsaw!

Story time has returned for the new year!

We started with Jumping Letter J!

We read:

Jillian Jiggs and the Secret Surprise, by Phoebe Gilman

"Jillian doesn't have any money to buy her little sister Rebecca's birthday present. Her friends Peter and Rachel remind her that the best presents are the ones that you make, so Jillian decides that they should surprise Rebecca by putting on a play. But things don't happen exactly the way she planned and Jillian winds up with a few surprises of her own!" - Scholastic Canada

We sang: One Green Jelly Bean

One green jelly bean, down in my belly bean. 
Giving me a tummy ache, what am I gonna do?
All these people telling me, they got the remedy: 
Don't eat the green ones, and jump up and down! 

Two green jelly beans, down in my belly bean.
Giving me a tummy ache, what am I gonna do? 
All these people telling me, they got the remedy: 
Don't eat the green ones, and jump up and down 
And rub your tummy! 

Three green jelly beans, down in my belly bean.
Giving me a tummy ache, what am I gonna do? 
All these people telling me, they got the remedy: 
Don't eat the green ones, and jump up and down 
And rub your tummy
And pat your head! 

Four green jelly beans, down in my belly bean.
Giving me a tummy ache, what am I gonna do? 
All these people telling me, they got the remedy: 
Don't eat the green ones, and jump up and down 
And rub your tummy 
And pat your head
And hop on one leg! 

We read:

Jillian Jiggs, by Phoebe Gilman

"Jillian Jiggs rushes from game to game. One minute she's a robot, the next minute she's a monster. How can she take time to clean up her room when there are so many interesting things to do?" - 

We sang: Jelly in a Bowl (to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell).

Jelly in a bowl, jelly in a bowl,
Wibble Wobble Wibble Wobble, 
Jelly in a bowl!

Jelly on my cheek, jelly on my cheek, 
Wibble Wobble Wibble Wobble, 
Jelly on my cheek! 

Jelly on my arm, jelly on my arm, 
Wibble Wobble Wibble Wobble, 
Jelly on my arm! 

(Continue for leg, feet, hands, ceiling, hair, etc.) 

For our craft, we made a jigsaw picture frame!

See you next week for letter K!