Thursday, August 8, 2013

TD's Summer Reading Club Week Five: 2s and 3s

We're coming to the end of our Summer Reading Club! Only one more week to go! :( Where has the time gone?

We had lots of fun this week exploring the Colosseum!

We read: 

"The Magic Boot", by Rémy Simard, an interesting take on how Italy became a country.

"Madeline and the Cats of Rome", by John Bemelmans Marciano - where Madeline finds herself in trouble with the law! 

And, "The Wedding Dress Mess", by Beatrice Masini, a goofy tale about a seamstress too obsessed with her wedding dress.

We made gladiator helmets!

If you haven't already brought in your reading passports to get stickers, and filled out a ballot for this week's prize draw, do so now! We draw for prizes every Friday at 4:00!

Next week we'll be outside, weather permitting, to make our pizzas! We'll have games and activities for you to do outside while we cook the yummy pizzas!