Congratulations to Linaya for bringing back her next reading sheet! Keep up the good reading!
Our last Star Reader of the Week was Cody!
This week's Star Reader is Cam! Congratulations!
Our last Book of the Week was "Sprocket's Christmas Tale", a charming look back at a Fraggle Rock favorite!
Our twenty-eight Book of the Week is "Woodland Christmas: Twelve Days of Christmas in the North Woods", by Frances Tyrrell.
"In this retelling of the classic Christmas carol The Twelve Days of Christmas, a
young bear courts his true love. The 12 gifts that accompany him are wonderful
indeed - they are the creatures of the northern woodlands with a magical twist.
The calling birds are loons; the lordsa-leaping, moose. And after all the gifts
are given, the wedding celebration begins!"
- Scholastic
- Scholastic
Don't forget, the library is having coloring contests for kids! Two contests - Ages 8 and under, and ages 9-12! Deadline December 21st!
If you're a teen, we're having a Draw Your Christmas Contest! Deadline December 21st!
And finally, if you're an adult, we're having a Christmas Story Contest! Deadline December 21st!
If you have any questions, call us at 403-887-2130!
Stay tuned for our next Star Reader and Book of the Week! Happy Reading!