Letter I –Insects, Ice Cream, Iguanas and Islands
2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
Music: Family Time by Ziggy Marley
1. Storytime – Welcome Song
is starting, starting, starting.
2. Read first story Bedtime Bugs, Can't Catch Me, Should I Share My Ice Cream?, The Delicious Bug,
3. Fingerplay- The
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Crawled up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider
Crawled up the spout again
Flannel Board Little Miss Muffet
Along came a spider and sat down beside her.
And frightened Miss Muffet away!
4. Song- Five
Little Ice Cream Cones
each has a scoop and an ice cream cone,
out came the sun and it shown all day,
one little ice cream cone melted away
Four little ice cream cones...
Three little ice cream cones...
Two little ice cream cones...
One little ice cream cone...
5. 4. Read second story Big Rig Bugs, I Wanna Iguana, Ten Busy Buzzy Bugs, Crocs!
6. 5. Counting Rhyme- Oh Me, Oh My
a Fly
The web begins to tremble,
In comes another fly! How many flies? TWO
Two flies in the web, Oh me, oh my.
The web begins to tremble, In comes another fly!
How many flies? THREE
Three flies in the web, Oh me, oh my.
The web begins to tremble, In comes another fly!
How many flies? FOUR
Four flies in the web, Oh me, oh my.
The web begins to tremble, In comes another fly!
How many flies? FIVE
Five flies in the web, Oh me, oh my.
The spider eats them one by one. 5-4-3-2-1
How many flies? NONE
That’s ZERO flies!
6. Read third story Hello, Bugs!, In Front of the Ant, Tiny Little Fly
7. 7. Craft-
I- Iguana
Materials: Shapes for I, head, tongue,
tail and spikes, goggly eyes, glue
Glue shapes for I into letter I shape.
Glue on head, tail, tongue and back spikes. Glue on googly eyes.