45 minutes
Music: Buckwheat Zydeco "Choo Choo Boogaloo"
1. Storytime – “Welcome Song” and “Storytime is Starting” Song
2. Read first story "Zoe's Snowy Day", "The Snowy Day", "In the Snow", "Tiger in the Snow" or "There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow!"
3. Poem: The Chubby Snowman
A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose.
Along came a bunny,
And what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny,
Looking for his lunch,
Ate that snowman's carrot
Nibble, nibble, crunch
Fingerplay: The Snowman
Roll him until he is fat as a pig. [Make big circle with arms.]
He has two eyes and a hat on his head. [Point to eyes and top of head.]
He'll stand there all night [Raise arms above head.]
While we go to bed. [Rest head against hands.]
4. Read second story"The Snow Bear", "Stella Queen of the Snow", "The Three Snow Bears" or "Snowball Fight!"
5. Action Poem: I Am a Snowman
I stand so still through all the night
With a carrot nose [Point to nose.] And head held high,
And a lump of coal to make each eye. [Point to eyes.]
I have a muffler made of red, [Pretend to tie a muffler.]
And a stovepipe hat upon my head [Place hands on top of head.]
The sun is coming out, oh my! [Make big circle with arms over head.]
I think that I am going to cry. [Wipe tear from eyes.]
Yesterday, I was plump and round. [Form large circle with arms.]
Now, I'm just a river on the ground! [Sink to floor.]
6. Craft: Marshmallow Snowmen
Create a snowman with three marshmallows held together with a toothpick, use a broken in half toothpick for the arms. Wet the marshmallows and stick on a face and buttons using the cupcake decorations.