45 minutes
1. Storytime – “Welcome Song” and “Storytime is Starting” Song
3. Poem: This Little Piggy
This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy had roast beef
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy cried Wee, wee, wee, All the way home. (wiggle each finger starting with the thumb)Fingerplay: Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee

Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee [Put pig finger puppets on thumbs or Have those without finger puppets just use thumbs.]
Hungry pigs as pigs can be
For their dinner had to wait
Down behind the garden gate [Bring fingers on both hands together hiding pigs.]
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee
Climbed the barnyard gate to see. [Bring pigs up over fingers.]
Peeking through the gate so high
But no dinner did they spy spy, [Say in sad voice.]
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee got back down
Sad as pigs can be,
But the gate soon opened wide
And they scampered forth outside outside. [Hands swing apart, as pigs run forward.]
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee,
Greedy pigs as pigs can be
For their dinner ran pell-mell
And in the trough both piggies fell. [Make trough with hands, pigs fall in.]1.
5. Action Poem: Two Mother Pigs
Two mother pigs lived in a pen [Show thumbs.]
Each had four babies, and that made ten [Show fingers and thumbs.]
These four babies were black as night [Hold up hand, extend fingers, thumb in palm.]
These four babies were black and white [Hold up other hand, thumb in palm.]
But all eight babies loved to play And they rolled and rolled in the mud all day. [Roll hands.]
At night, with their mother, they curled up in a heap, [Make fists, palms up.]
And squealed and squealed till they went to sleep.
Song: PIGS IN THE MUD Tune: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
Roll, roll, roll around In the mud all day.
That is what the pigs all do. What a way to play!
Roll, roll, roll around That is how they stay,
Oh, so very nice and cool On a sunny day!
6. Craft: Pig Picture
Materials: copy of pig, markers, scissors, glue.