Friday, November 12, 2010



1.         Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting,
Storytime is starting come listen to me.

3.      3.         Finger play: Elephant
The elephant walks like this and like that [Get down on all fours and walk back and forth.]
He's very tall, [Stand and stretch arms up.]
And he's very fat. [Stretch arms out to sides.] 
He has no fingers, [Hold hands up, making fists to hide fingers.]
But he does have toes, [Reach down and touch toes.]
And, goodness gracious, 
What a nose! [Grab nose between fingers and thumb of left hand; insert right arm through loop to form elephant's trunk.]

4.       Song: The Elephant Song

One elephant went out to play,
Upon a spider's web one day.
He had such enormous fun,
That he called for another elephant to come!

Two elephants went out to play. . .
(repeat to as many elephants as you like)

6.         Action Poem: Five Little Elephants

Five little elephants rowing toward the shore,
One fell in and then there were four.
Four little elephants climbing up a tree,
One slid down and then there were three.
Three little elephants living in the zoo,
One walked away and then there were two.
Two little elephants playing in the sun,
One fell asleep and then there was one.
One little elephant isn’t any fun,
Abra-ca-da-bra! Then there were none!

7.         Craft: Elephant
Materials: fun foam, googly eyes, straws, scissors, glue.

Cut out elephant head and legs. Punch hole for straw. Glue together legs and head and googly eyes. Insert straw for nose.