1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting,
Storytime is starting come listen with me.
2. Read first story "Five Silly Turkeys", "Farmer Goff and his Turkey Sam" or "Run, Turkey, Run"
3. Action Poem: TURKEY DANCE (tune:Turkey in the Straw)
And you turkey to the right (two steps to the right)
Then you heel and toe (do motions with foot)
And you scratch with all your might. (scratch floor with foot)
Now you flap your turkey wings (put thumbs in armpit and flap)
While your head goes bobble, bobble. (wobble head)
Turn around and then you say, (turn around)
"Gobble, gobble, gobble!."
4. Hello Mr. Turkey! (Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)
Hello Mr. Turkey, how are you? (Clap, clap)
With a gobble, gobble, gobble (Make gobbling noises)
And a wobble, wobble, wobble, (Wobble back and forth)
Hello Mr. Turkey, how are you? (Clap, clap)
5. Read second story "I'm a Turkey", "A Plump and Perky Turkey" or "Setting the Turkeys Free"
6. Fingerplay: Mr. Turkey
He swings it when he walks (Swing hands.)
His neck is long (Stretch neck.)
His chin is red (Stroke chin.)
And he gobbles when he talks (Open and close hands and gobble.)
7. Craft: Turkey Headband
Materials: Scissors, Brown paper bags, Glue stick, Colored construction paper, 2 wiggly eyes, Black permanent marker
1. From the brown paper bags, cut a circle 3 1/2 inches in diameter for the turkey's head. Next, cut a 3-inch-wide band to fit around your child's head.
2. For a beak, fold yellow construction paper and cut out a small double triangle (1 1/2 inches along the fold). Cut a rounded L from red paper for the turkey's wattle.
3. Glue the eyes, wattle and one side of the beak to the head. Let them dry. Then, glue the neck to the center of the headband.
4. Now, wrap the headband around your child's head; mark where the ends overlap, then remove the band and staple the ends. Finally, glue on construction paper feathers and wings.
Materials: Scissors, Brown paper bags, Glue stick, Colored construction paper, 2 wiggly eyes, Black permanent marker
1. From the brown paper bags, cut a circle 3 1/2 inches in diameter for the turkey's head. Next, cut a 3-inch-wide band to fit around your child's head.
2. For a beak, fold yellow construction paper and cut out a small double triangle (1 1/2 inches along the fold). Cut a rounded L from red paper for the turkey's wattle.
3. Glue the eyes, wattle and one side of the beak to the head. Let them dry. Then, glue the neck to the center of the headband.
4. Now, wrap the headband around your child's head; mark where the ends overlap, then remove the band and staple the ends. Finally, glue on construction paper feathers and wings.