2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.
2. Read first story “The Mole Sisters and the Rainy Day”, "Puddles" or "The Umbrella"
It's raining, it's pouring,
The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and he
Bumped his head
And he couldn't get up in the morning.
Rain on the green grass Flutter fingers up and down
Rain on the tree Raise both hands to form tree
Rain on the rooftop hands form point over head like roof
4. Read second story “Move Over Rover", "Peter Spier's Rain"
5. Finger play: Eency Weency Spider
The eency-weency spider went up the water spout walk fingers up
Down came the rain and washed the spider out sweep arms down and out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain arms form circle over head
And the eency-weency spider went up the spout again walk fingers up again