Age 2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.
Six little penguins off an iceberg did dive,
One bumped his beak, then there were five.
Five little penguins swam the ocean floor,
One saw a whale, then there were four.One spun off, then there were three!
Three little penguins, with nothing to do,
One went fishing, then there were two.
Two little penguins, having lots of fun,
One fell off, then there was one.
One little penguin, when the day was done,
Went home to sleep, then there were none.
4. Fingerplay- In the Land of Ice and Snow
In the land of ice and snow (shiver and say “brrr!”)
Where the freezing, cold winds blow (blow)Lives a bird that’s quite a sight (make circles with fingers and put to eyes like binoculars)
With his suit of black and white. (run hands along side of body, then tummy)
The penguin is a funny guy!
5. Craft: Penguin Finger Puppets
4”x4” square of black construction paper, Scrap of orange construction paper, 2 small wiggle eyes, Scissors, White craft glue, Tape, Pattern
How to make it:
Use the pattern to cut the head and puppet body from the black square. Place your pointing finger onto the white construction paper and trace around it. Cut it out the finger shape with the scissors and place it in the middle of the black square for the penguin’s stomach. If it’s too long, trim the bottom before gluing in place. Cut a small triangle from the orange construction paper, round the top of the beak if you like. Glue the beak, point facing down, to the face. Glue two wiggle eyes above the beak. Let the glue dry for about 15-20 minutes. Carefully wrap the sides of the penguin loosely around your finger. Have someone help you tape it together in the back.