2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
45 minutes
1. Welcome and Storytime Songs
Storytime is starting, starting, starting,
Storytime is starting come listen with me.
2. Read first story Can't
or Five Little Monkeys or Who's That Scratching At My Door?
3. Flannel Board: 10 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
4. Fingerplay: Itsy Bitsy Monkey
Down came a coconut & hit him on his knee---OWWW!!!! (Make a double fist above head & hit knee)
Out came a lion a-shakin' his mighty mane— (Frame face with hands, fan fingers for mane. Shake)
--- ANNND--- (Slow down tempo)
The Itsy Bitsy monkey climbed up the tree again! (Increased the tempo & climb back up the tree)
5. Read second story Ten Naughty Little Monkeys or Where's the Poop? or Monkey
Lost or So Say The Little Monkeys
6. Song: Bananas
Bananas of the world unite! (place hands together straight up over head)
Bananas of the world unite! (place hands together straight up over head)
Bananas split! (open arms and place at sides)
Pick bananas, pick, pick bananas (reach up and pick bananas from a tree)
Smash bananas, smash, smash bananas (clap hands)
Eat bananas, eat, eat bananas (stuff banana in mouth and sing with mouth full)