Age 2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
Duration 45 minutes
1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting,
Storytime is starting come listen with me.
2. Read first story "Terrific Trains" or "Freight Train"
3. Song: Peanut Sat on the Railroad Track (sung to: Polly Wolly Doodle)
Oh, the peanut sat on the railroad track
His heart was all a flutter
Along came the 615
Toot, toot, …peanut butter
Oh, the lemon sat on the railroad track
Her heart was all a flutter
Along came the 615
Toot, toot, …lemonade
Oh, the grapes sat on the railroad track
Their hearts were all a flutter
Along came the 615
Toot, toot, …jelly
Oh, the apples sat on the railroad track
Their hearts were all a flutter
Along came the 615
Toot, toot, …applesauce
Oh, the strawberry sat on the railroad track
Its heart was all a flutter
Along came the 615
Toot, toot, …berry jam
4. Read second story "And the Train Goes" or "Train Song" or "Window Music"
5. Fingerplay: Choo-Choo Train
This is a choo-choo train, (Bend arms at elbows)
Puffing down the track. (Rotate forearms in rhythm)
Now it's going forward, (Push arms forward, continue motion)
Now is going back. (Pull arms back using same motion)
Now the bell is ringing. (Pull cord with closed fist)
Now the whistle blows. (Hold fist near mouth and blow Toot, Toot)
What alot of noise it makes. (Cover ears with hands)
Everywhere it goes. (Stretch out arms)
6. Craft: Train
Colour and cut out shapes to make own train. Glue to construction paper and add tracks and smoke.