1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting,
Storytime is starting come listen with me.
1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting,
Storytime is starting come listen with me.
3. Sing: Hippo Hop HokeyPokey
You put your clean foot in
You take your dirty foot out
You put your clean foot in
and you squish it all about
That's how a Hippo cools off
Other Verses...HandsHeadsRight footLeft footElbows
4. Read second story "Grandma, Where Are You?" or "Hilda Must be Dancing"
4. Read second story "Grandma, Where Are You?" or "Hilda Must be Dancing"
5. Finger play: Jungle Animals
This is the way the elephant goes (clasp hands together, extend arms, move back and forth). With a curly trunk instead of a nose.
The buffalo all shaggy and fat
The buffalo all shaggy and fat
has two sharp horns in place of hat (point fingers
out from forehead).
The hippo with his mouth so wide-
Let's see what's hiding inside (hands together and open wide and close them).
The hippo with his mouth so wide-
Let's see what's hiding inside (hands together and open wide and close them).
The wiggly snake upon the ground
Crawls along without a sound (weave hands back and forth).
But monkey see monkey do
is the funniest animal I ever knew! (place thumbs in ears and wiggle fingers).
6. Craft Project Directions: Construction Paper Hippo
6. Craft Project Directions: Construction Paper Hippo
For your hippo, you will need some gray construction paper an
d another piece of colored paper to place your hippo on the templates, cut out a hippo body, head, ears, and legs. Glue or tape these to the background piece of paper creating a hippo. Next add a tail and face for your hippo with crayon and other materials. If you have time add a setting surrounding your hippo.