Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Semaine 8: 4-8 Celebration

Semaine 8




Le premier livre qu'on a lis est Le Canada c'est moi! par Heather Patterson. Il y a beaucoup de beau image dans cette livre. 

Le prochain livre qu'on a lu c'est Mmm... des biscuits! par Robert Munsch. On a manger des petit gâteau, alors cela est un livre parfait par aller avec nos collations.  


Ont a aller et regarder le jardin! Les enfants ont trouvé des chenilles, et les coccinelles. 


Pour notre bricolage ont à fait les petit gâteau avec le papier. 

Semaine 8 9+ Celebration

Semaine 8




Le premier livre qu'on a lis est La princesse dans un sac par Robert Munsch. Cela est un bon livre que tous les enfants aimer. 

Le prochaine livre qu'on a lu est Quelqu'un a pris mon ballon! Par Mo Willems. Tu le monde aime Mo Willems c'est un très drole livre. 


Ont a aller jouer au "British Bulldog".


Pour notre bricolage ont a fait le creme glacée sur le papier. Pour faire le creme glace ont a utiler le creme a raser, le colle et de peinture. 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Summer Reading Program Week 7: Underwater Creatures 7-12

Summer Reading Program
Week 7: Underwater Creatures
Ages: 7-12

Books read:

For our book today we read the first few pages of Narwhal Unicorn of the Sea by Ben Clanton. The Narwhal and Jelly books are so fun! We got some inspiration for our craft from this book. 

I Wonder Why Whales Sing by Caroline Harris. We were able to answer some burning questions by reading this books! We found out that a shark's skeleton is made up of cartilage. 


For our activity this week we played capture the flag, and silent ball!


For our craft this week we designed our own underwater comics! The participants came up with some really great characters. The stories that went along with their comics were really comical! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Summer Reading Program Week 7: Underwater Creatures Ages 2-6

Summer Reading Program
Week 7: Underwater Creatures
Ages: 2-6

Books read:

For our book today we read One Nighttime Sea by Deborah Lee Rose. We had fun identifying the different types of sea animals in this book, and counting along with the book. 

Stella Star of the Sea by Marie-Louise Gay. Sam has so many questions about the sea! Stella has some great answers for them. The kids loved to sea how Stella would answer in this book.


For our activity this week we sang baby shark. After that we went outside and played "What Time is It Mr.Shark?", and we went on a shark hunt!


For our craft this week we made rainbow fish. To make our rainbow fish we molded black clay into the shape of a fish and then we stuck perler beads into the clay to decorate our fish. We also sued googly eyes! 

Semaine 7: Les Creatures Marine 9+

Semaine 7


Les creatures marine


Le premier livre qu'on a lis est Un bebe alligator par Robert Munsch. Robert Munsch est toujours drôle et les enfants aime cette un beaucoup. 

Le prochaine livre qu'on a lu c'est Pat sous la mer par James Dean. Pat est toujours drôle et les enfants aime cette livre beaucoup. 


Pour notre jeu ont a jouer un jeu ou on passe le ballon dans un cercle. Quand tu attrape le ballon tu doigt dit ton animal favori sous marin. 


Pour notre bricolage ont à créer un balaine sur pince a linge. Ont a utiliser le papier de de construction pour faire cette bricolage.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Semaine 7: Les Creatures Marine 4-8

Semaine 7


Les creatures marine


Le premier livre qu'on a lu aujourd'hui est Pout Pout et le brute par Deborah Diessen. Il y a beaucoup de différents creatures marine dans cette livre. Les enfants a fait le bon travail a identifier les créatures dans cette livre.

Le prochaine livre qu'on a lu c'est Pat sous la mer par James Dean. Pat est toujours drôle et les enfants aime cette livre beaucoup. 


Pour notre jeu ont a jouer un jeu de "Téléphone" mais ont doigt dit des chose avec un thème de les animaux sous marine. 


Pour notre bricolage ont à créer les poisson avec le papier de construction. Pour décorer nos poissons ont a utiliser le colle et de briller. 

Friday, August 9, 2019

Staff Reads - August

Our next series of monthly blogs will be staff reads! Looking for some new book recommendations? Check out what the library staff are reading lately!

Carlia read: The Song of Achilles

This book intrigued me right from the cover on. If you’re like me and enjoy Greek mythology and diving into the stories and legends than this is a great read. If you are interested in a more storied version of Achilles and the Iliad, or you like the movie Troy, maybe you just liked watching a shirtless Brad Pitt take on the iconic Achilles role and want to imagine him as the main character is this book, go for it – check this book out!

An easy read, entertaining, emotional, and enthralling. Doesn’t weigh you down with lengthy details or go on rambling for pages, everything fit nicely together. Recommend!!

Shanna read: The Poisonwood Bible

Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible is all about communication (and miscommunication). Following the lives of four girls and their mother who arrive as missionaries in the Congo in the 1960s, the book calls us out for being set in our ways, thinking there is always only one right answer and not realizing that we may not be asking the right question in the first place.

The central characters take turns narrating the book, and the way the tone and the language changes for each character leads to a sense of realism and connection. I felt deeply for and with each of them, regardless of how different they were from myself. 

The book also comments on our North American culture of consumption. I find after reading it I am much more conscious of what is important to me. Do I need to buy this? Do I need to throw this away?

I love when a book makes me think AND feel. The Poisonwood Bible absolutely gets a five star rating from me!

Jeri read: We Are Displaced: My journey and stories from refugee girls around the world

This book begins with Malala’s own story, then is followed by the personal stories of a number of women that she has met while travelling. Many of them are heart-wrenching stories that bring home how lucky we are to live in Canada. These young women display courage while being displaced from homes and countries that they love.

I feel that everyone should read this book. The chapters are short and it is a quick read despite the disturbing topic.  
Corrie read:  Shooter
Shooter, by Caroline Pignat, is a modern day take on The Breakfast Club - and what's more modern than teenagers locked down in a school bathroom with an active shooter on the loose? 5 grade 12 students, each with their own personal and family issues, are trapped together waiting for the situation with the shooter to resolve itself. One of the girls has a phone, which gives us insight to the shooter's movements and police activity, so you don't feel "trapped" in the bathroom as much as they are. Things take a turn when they find out there might be a second shooter, and that person might even be one of them. 
I've been reading a series of these books following this same theme lately, one of which I'll discuss below. This one didn't pack the same emotional power as some of the others, but I liked the diversity in the characters. one character is overtly and diagnosed autistic, while another exhibits traits of being on the spectrum. One character was adopted from China to white parents who have extremely high expectations for her, who following a volunteer trip to an orphanage is reconsidering her life goals. Another character is mourning the loss of his brother, whom he accidentally killed while wrestling. The last of the five characters has forgone any hope for her future outside of taking care of her brother, as their mother abandoned her and her autistic brother as young children. 
There aren't often happy endings when reading books about school shootings, but this one had about as happy of an ending as you could get, while also dealing with school drama, life drama, school pranks gone wrong, misunderstanding principals, and kids who've fallen under the radar.
This is a book I would classify as an important read. Check it out for yourself, and tell me what you think.

Corrie also read: This is Where is Ends

I've only recently discovered Marieke Nijkamp, but she's an author I'm excited to read more from. Which is not to say that This is Where it Ends was a happy book. Far from it. This book made me so angry. The best ones do.

The story places place over just 54 minutes, with an - almost - entire school trapped inside the gymnasium with a kid armed with a gun and a vendetta. It flashes between perspectives of characters inside and outside the school, as well as a series of tweets, some from the characters you see in the story, and others who are following the story as it happens.

This story is full of rage and heartache and heroism and terror and frustration. It's one of the best books I've read lately, and holds a close second to Ellen Hopkin's People Kill People  for one of the "best" books about gun violence I've read lately.

If you have a strong heart and have something soft to throw this book at when you're done, I definitely recommend reading this. Definitely not a light read, but worthwhile and oh so relevant in today's world.

Stay tuned for next month's Staff Reads! Tell us what you're reading!