Letter C – Cats, Cows,
Chickens, Cookies, Caterpillars and Crocodiles.
2’s and 3’s,
4’s and 5’s
– Welcome Song
is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come
and listen to me.
Little Boy Blue
Little Boy Blue come blow your horn
The Sheep are in the meadow
Where's the little boy who looks after the sheep?
He's under the haystack fast asleep.
Will you wake him? No, not I. For if I do he will surely cry.
Song: Crocodile
She sailed away on a summer day (place one hand on top of other, stick thumbs out to side and row them back and forth as drift hands forward)
On the back of a Crocodile (clap hands three times)
You see, said she, he's as tame as can be (point and shake index finger as talk)
I'll ride him down the Nile (place one hand on top of other, stick thumbs out to side and row them back and forth as drift hands forward)
The Croc winked his eye (wink)
as she bade them all good-bye (wave good-bye)
wearing a happy smile (smile)
At the end of the ride (place one hand on top of other, stick thumbs out to side and row them back and forth as drift hands forward)
The Lady was inside (pat tummy)
And the smile was on the crocodile.
second story Cat the Cat Who is That?, The Cow who Clucked, Yes or Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar
Five Little Kittens standing in a row (hold up left hand, extend fingers, count)
They nod their hands to the children so. (bend fingers forward)
They run to the left, they run to the right. (wiggle fingers to the left, then to the right)
They stand up and stretch in the bright sunlight (stretch fingers up slowly)
Along comes a dog, who's in for some fun. (move right fist slowly towards stretching fingers)
M-e-ow, see those kittens run. (run and hide left fingers behind your back)
6. Crafts: Caterpillar Suncatcher
paper caterpillar folded in half with circles cut out, tissue paper squares,
glue, googly eyes, markers, pipe cleaners
on caterpillar, glue different coloured squares of tissue paper over the holes
in the insider of the caterpillar. Glue together the folded caterpillar. Glue
googly eyes on the tissue paper eye holes. Add pipe cleaner antennae on head.
Picture and craft courtesy of Craftivity Corner by Allison McDonald