Age 2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
Duration 45 minutes
1. Storytime – Welcome Song
2. Read first story “Jousting With Jesters”, "The Missing Tarts", "The Penguin and the Pea" or "Rapunzel".
3. Poem: Princess Pat (repeat each line)
Princess Pat lived in a tree
She sailed across the seven seas.
And she took with her a Rig-a-bamboo
A Rig-a-bamboo now what is that?
It's a something made by the Princess Pat.
It's a red and gold and a purple too.
That's why it's called a Rig-a-bamboo.
Now Captain Jack had a mighty fine crew
He sailed across the channel too.
If you don't take a Rig-a-bamboo.
5. Fingerplay: A Good Castle
This is the roof of the castle I own. (make roof with hands)
These are the windows that let in the light. (thumbs and forefingers form windows)
This is the drawbridge that shuts so tight. (clap on "shuts")
This is the tower so straight and tall. (arms up straight)
Oh! What a good castle for one and all!
6. Song: The Grand Old Duke of York
Oh, the grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men;
He marched them up to the top of the hill, (march in place standing straight and tall)
And he marched them down again. (march in place squatting down) And when they were down they were down. (march in place squatting down)
But when they were only halfway up, (squat down a little)
They were neither up nor down. (stand straight then squat down)
Repeat faster and faster
Finger play: Five Kind Kings
5 kind kings sitting in the castle
1 went to find the queen. Oh, what a hassle!
1 went to find his shield with its own label.
3 kind kings sitting on their thrones,
1 went to give the dragon some delicious bones.
2 kind kings putting on their crowns,
1 dropped his and it fell to the ground.
1 kind king went to the keep,
He climbed on his bed and fell fast asleep!
Dragon print, construction paper strips, markers, glue, sticks
Colour the dragon parts, cut out. Fan fold strips of construction paper. Glue head and tail on to paper strip and sticks.