2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
45 minutes
Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting,
Storytime is starting come listen with me.
Sing: Five Little Ghosts

Five little ghosts flying through the door, One flew away and then there were four.
Four little ghosts spooky as can be, One flew away and then there were three.
Three little ghosts drinking Halloween brew, One flew away and then there were two.
Two little ghosts having lots of fun, One went home and then there was one.
One little ghost's a real superhero, Went to help a friend and then there were zero!
Read second story
Sing: Three Little Witches (tune: Ten Little Indians)

One little, two little, three little witches, (hold up fingers)
Fly over haystacks, fly over ditches, (make hands fly high in the air)
Slide down moon beams without any hitches, (hands glide downward)
Hi-ho! Halloween's here! (clap hands two times on "Hi-ho!)
Horned owl's hooting, it's time to go riding, (hold hands for ears)
Deep in the shadows are black cats hiding, (make cat face)
With gay little goblins, sliding, gliding, (slide and glide hands)
Hi-ho! Halloween's here! (clap hands two times on “Hi-ho”)

Stand on your head with a lopsided wiggle, (touch head and wiggle)
Tickle your little black cats till they giggle, (tickles and laugh)
Swish through clouds with a higgedy, piggle, (fly hands)
Hi-ho! Halloween's here! (Clap hands two times on hi-ho”
Hi-ho! Halloween's here! (Clap hands two times on hi-ho”
Cut and Tell Story-The Little Orange House by Ms. Stangl
Craft: Spooky Hands
Directions: - Trace the child's hands on black paper with chalk, extending the drawings of the fingers to look long and pointy. Let them cut the hands out and decorating them with markers, stickers, paints, etc. Can make bones on hands with the chalk.
Directions: - Trace the child's hands on black paper with chalk, extending the drawings of the fingers to look long and pointy. Let them cut the hands out and decorating them with markers, stickers, paints, etc. Can make bones on hands with the chalk.